Wednesday, April 17, 2013

rock and roll with an egg or two...

Happy Hump day friends here we are again, half way through yet another week. Time sure flies when you're busy...phew.

The weather is finally warming up around here and I am hoping this weekend will work to pick up the chicks. The last couple weeks didn't feel right as we were in such sorrow for Hobo Gee but I think we're ready now.  

The spinach and broccolini has all been harvested and the girls are enjoying what's left.  My sweet peas or sweet poor peas I should say as the squirrels are getting to them before I can. Not only are they eating the pods but they are destroying the plants by breaking off the tops. 

Do you battle squirrels? If so I would love to know what methods you use.  They are now getting into the chicken feeder now and enjoying their crumbles as well. Perhaps it's time to sit with the pellet gun again. Darn rodents...

Photos above are::
1.  The music man busting out moves
2.  Eggs, love them!
3.  Lucy girl, she is so sweet and such a good layer. She lays every single day.
4   Red cabbage almost ready to harvest.
5.  Red and sweet onions ready to harvest this weekend.

Hope you are having a great day!


  1. my squirrels are drinking the sugar water from the hummingbird feeders, now. *sigh*

    i've got raccoons visiting the barn for the horse feed. and mice, too.

    your cabbage looks great!

    1. Oh Tex
      Coons are nasty too! Makes me think of that saying if there's a will there's a way and when these guys are hungry it's SO hard to stop them.

  2. Those squirrels eat everything! They eat my pomegranates while they are still flowers...little buggers. My dad has a trap and has been trapping them, but then he just drives them up the hill and lets them loose. I'm sure they will find their way back.

    1. I know dang it, perhaps a "squirrel in a tor" is what i need. lol...Are you catching a lot of them?

  3. Hi Jen. I like your style too! I'm following you on Google+ and with Feedly also.

  4. that sweet laying hen.

    1. Thanks Michelle me too, she is so very sweet. All my girls are but she is extra sweet. Follows me and is always so happy to greet me.
      Hope you had a great day!

  5. Let's not talk about squirrels. They drive me crazy around here. They are definitely not my friends. What makes it worse is that my neighbor feeds them! Love the garden. Enjoy all those yummy veggies. We don't have anything in the ground yet. Still freezing in the morning. Hopefully we can plant soon. Have a great day Jen!!!!!

    1. We have a ton of them as well as rabbits. I have been able secure the garden mostly from the rabbits but the squirrels climb in and destroy everything... I hope you get to plant soon too :)

  6. Love the photo of the music man! Great shot. Lucy is a cutie! Is she an Australorp? I had one who passed away last year and she was a good layer. One of our new chicks is an Australorp :)

    1. Thanks Tammy,
      I love shooting him when he plays. Lucy is an Australorp and she and Betty my barred Rock are such good layers and both super sweet girls. The brooder has been ready for a bit now and I am hoping to have time to drive a few towns over to pick up a few chicks. I definitely will be getting more of these breeds :)

  7. Wow! Your produce is awesome!
    I still find it so funny that we are on the same side of the country and only a couple states away, but I awoke to 16 degrees this morning, and we are just planting here.
    Enjoy that fresh produce!

    1. Hi Hesper!
      I know so crazy, 16! Oh my I hope it warms for you guys. It's great to hear from you, hope all is well on the Prairie

