I am in several groups over at
Flickr, one of which is called Project 365. The goal of this project is to take a picture everyday for 365 days and capture just a piece of your every day. I am in the process of making a coffee table book from my 2010 pictures and enjoyed it so much that when it ended December 31st I decided to keep it going and am on my 100Th day into year two.
Yesterday I spent the day with 14 girls for a flickr meet up, new friends that live within an hour or so of me (except for one). I feel so blessed to know these generous, talented, creative, strong and kind women. We spent the day on a photo walk cruising around Pasadena's Rose Bowl. The city has a huge Flea Market once a month. Here are a few pics from our walk.

I noticed walking around the market there were several booths that were selling once loved musical instruments. Seeing these guitars hanging up i thought of the music man and how music fills our home. I wonder where these have been, what music was played and where they will spend time next.

I love the sign oldies but goodies it looks like it been around for a while too

And the people, the people were fantastic. So many different styles and attitudes.

I remember having a pair of these when I was small but they were plastic not metal, these are definitely old school.

There are groups for everyday of the week if you wanted. Bench Monday, Tipsy Tuesday, Hand knits Wednesday, dogs, fence Friday, worms eye Sunday and gazillions more. If you are not familiar with Flickr I hope you check it out, it's so fun. The inspiration and talent there is amazing, endless and the friendships are such a gift.