Saturday, September 29, 2012

I do love Saturday mornings

Taking a break and finishing my morning coffee with Jack at my side. He is doing so great, stitches come out Tuesday and he even joined me at the barn today and ran around with Chance.  I sure do love Saturdays mornings for i don't need to punch a time clock today. The relaxed and slow vibe let's me enjoy my chores and time outside on "my time" and of course i love that i get to do it all with my 24/7 shadow next to me.


  1. That's a nice shadow to have by your side while doing things on your terms. :)

  2. So glad that Jack is healing so well!
    Also so glad you had a lovely Saturday:)
    Have a great week too!

  3. So glad he's doing well, and I totally agree. Saturday mornings are heavenly. I tell my husband I know it's the weekend when I'm drinking my coffee from a cup and not a travel mug!

    1. Yes i LOVE that! travel mug vs my fave coffee cup, so good :)
