Monday, January 13, 2014

And So It Continues...

Dukes battle continued this weekend. More holes,
but less back filling by the gopher this time. Perhaps Dukes has the upper hand?  Maybe... Today anyways.

This weekend our search to rescue a Jenny (female donkey) continued as well. I heard through a local rescue there we're a couple at a shelter not too far away who desperately need a home so after our hay run we stopped by to meet them. Anxious, excited and hoping one could be the perfect fit our family. Fingers crossed, yay!

Unfortunately, she wasn't. Turns out this dynamic duo is a mama with her offspring who are wild, not broke at all and scared to death of people. Sadly she would not be a fit for us.

I've been on the look out for a Jenny as a companion to the horses as well as a herd protector for goat and sheep I hope to get in the future. I want to rescue and because of their kicking power I need to be sure she'll meet certain requirements. Not broke is okay but she must be able to be handled safely. I'm sure we'll find her and when we do it will be perfect. Just keeping in mind that God's time is not necessarily the same as my time and I have "peace" with that.

By the way "peace" is turning out to be such a great word for me this year and though we're only a couple weeks in,  it's also proving to be not an easy one. Duh, of course I guess I knew that which is why I chose it but jeez... Not that life is bad, in fact my life is blessed and full. I have no real complaints but reality is though life is good it ain't always easy... Daily pressures sometimes get the best of me but that's okay I have all year to get it balanced out :).

The weather man says it's going to feel more like spring this week instead of winter so i'll be spending as much time outside soaking it all in before the cold returns. Our weather has been SO weird this season.

Happy Monday Peeps!


  1. duke the diggity dog is SO cute! i love when they stick their head into a hole. :)

  2. Casey does the same thing when digging holes...sticks his head all the way down there!

  3. Go Duke! He's a great digger. Does he bury stuff too? I'm loving following your donkey search. I would give anything to have a mini, but my jerky next door neighbor would be calling the cops the first time he heard it even though we are fully zoned to have one. :-( Good luck!

  4. I hope you can find a Jenny that will be a good fit for you guys. It's so very true how you said "Just keeping in mind that God's time is not necessarily the same as my time and I have "peace" with that." I am just now starting to realize and come to terms with that as well! Really working hard at it this year.
