Wednesday, January 4, 2012

one word or maybe more

It's that time of year when we all think about the highs and lows of the past 365 days and look forward to the new year ahead. For me this last year was one with BIG changes. Here's a few of them, my oldest moved out on his own, my youngest graduating high school, a long awaited move for the music man and me and exploring life in a new "thankful" kind of way.

a new perspective

I am entering 2012 with a renewed energy of self, a new perspective and so much excitement for all the possibilities and adventures to come, whoohoo!

My word for 2011 was thankful and oh my gosh am i so thankful for this word and how it has affected my life. I've been thinking about my word for 2012 and have settled on not one but three. These three keep coming back to me so my words for January are challenge, focus and simplify, i hope to carry these not just this month but throughout the year as well.

I plan to challenge myself creatively in both my photography and here in this space. I enjoy my time in blogland but find I'm often at a loss when it comes to opening up and being me in writing anyways, so stepping out on the writing part is definitely a challenge...

I'm focused on the "little things" that make pieces of my everyday beautiful. I hope staying focused will help me meet my goals. I'm famous for getting busy with life and putting things off. I hope being focused on focus will help me achieve them.

I am committed to continuing the path of simplifying my life. I have found over the last couple of years the more i ditch the clutter around my house and in my head i enjoy and appreciate what i have so much more.

If you're not familiar with Shutter Sisters "one word project" you can check them out here. This is a group of talented women who are incredibly inspiring, enjoy.

So how about you, do you have any resolutions or goals?

Thank you for stopping by i always enjoy your visits and look forward to your comments. Happy New Year, i hope this year is filled with many blessings and i can't wait to share our adventures and peek in on yours over the next 365 days.



  1. My word for the year - rest.

    Rest my mind, rest my soul.
    No "stinking thinking"...always pondering, dreaming,

    My camera will always be close at hand,
    my needles close by, and a quiet spirit inside...that's my intention for the year.

    Wishing you a wonderful loved filled year.

  2. Word for the year - Peace. As in, maintaining some mental peace!
