Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hello December, the count down has officially begun...

I can hardly believe you are here! It seemed like yesterday we were just beginning a new year, excited for all the possibilities it brought. Looking back now eleven months later we have had many changes mostly good and many adventures.

I am looking forward to this month of celebrations and am hopeful that my knitting, crafting and baking projects will get done in time. If not that's okay too, i know all will be fine, (yet another lesson learned ha). I've learned to stay no when needed and to keep things simple to ensure happiness and peace during this busy and fun time.

Hello December

How about you, i would love to hear what crafting you are doing these days?


  1. Hello, Friend!
    Happy December!!!
    Love the crafty-list...I should really do that...I have three different pairs of socks on the needles and I just finished my VERY FIRST MITTEN and am starting on its mate.
    This weekend Manly and I are setting up CHRISTMAS!
    Cant wait for my "peppermint tree" to go up;)
    Let the Holidays Begin!

  2. A list maker after my own heart...

    Enjoy the holiday - it's been a good year, let's pray it continues.
